Conversations _
Please, speak freely. When a conversation allows us to understand something important about our clients, ourselves or the world, it gives depth and meaning to our work and moves us all forward. Those are the conversations we’re always looking to have. Here’s what’s come up for us at the studio over the past few months.
Bringing Your Brand to Life
In a rigorously competitive landscape, brand activation is the X factor that can turn a well-intentioned campaign into a focused, attention-grabbing, and memorable one.
What’s in Your Hidden Suitcase?
Trust us, you have one. We all do. It may or may not be the wheeled or soft-sided kind you pack before heading out toward adventure, but it’s there somewhere in your life or company challenge, just waiting to be discovered, opened, and put to good, creative use.
The Power of a Light Touch
There’s hardly any sphere in which refining just a few things won’t make a big difference, provided you pick the right things and refine them the right way.
Make it Sing
When we talk to clients about creating or refining their brand voice—developing it, shaping it, coaxing it onto the page and sending it out into the world—we’re always heartened and encouraged when they talk about wanting it to sing. It means they appreciate the power of words—tone, nuance, rhythm and color—and want to harness that energy to elevate their brand.
Doing Justice to
Justice RBG
When the late, great Supreme Court Justice was asked how many women on the Supreme Court would be enough, she responded immediately. “When there are nine”.
Logo Logic: The 5 Hidden Rules Behind That Logo You Love
A great logo seems effortless—almost inevitable—until you actually try to design one yourself.
Stop Asian Hate
“An Asian woman in my mom’s congregation just had acid thrown in her face as she was taking out the trash.”
The words came from Tim Eng, one of our creative directors at the Pensery.